Title: Húsavík
Artist: Julie Lænkholm
Publisher: FOSS
Edition size: 100 numbered copies.
Price: 3500,- isk. (mail@foss.press)
The book Húsavík is a personal account and a journey in body and mind, unraveling old and tying new bands between the town Húsavík in the north of Iceland and Húsavík far away in Rågeleje,- the house danish artist Julie Lænkholm’s Icelandic descendants build generations ago.
Including both process, research and a view into the lives of the people that live(d) and parted with the town of Húsavík, the imprint blurs the line between public archive and private sphere, connecting then and now.
Letting rocks, plants, wool and other tactile material on the path mirror identities, Húsavík does not present a formal narrative but points to a search for coherence and states the artists quest for and appreciation of the womens voice and historical testimony. A same exposition of patriarchal systems Professor of Anthropology Krístin Loftsdóttir present in her essay Lost Stories and Intimate Spaces, written for and included in the book.
Húsavík unfolds visual and poetic layers of time and memory expressed through songs and relics, footage and documentations of happenings.
The previously unpublished poem Sit Ég og Syrgi from 1835 by Gudny of Klombur included in the book is a testimony of a broken heart. Elsewhere in the book one can find a pipe cleaner and description for folding a paper flower as made by The Womens association from the traditional ower of Húsavík since the beginning of 1900. In the book found material and the artists own matter is woven together to a multifaceted tale.
The art book of 76 pages, was published in connection to Lænkholms project and exhibition Húsavík at Húsavík Museum 2016. Realized in collaboration with and supported by Húsavík Museum.
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